Final suggestion
Sub: English 1st Paper
Unit 1, Lesson 5 The Present age
Unit 3 Lesson 1 [b] Communicative competence
Unit 3 Lesson 2 Statistics show that…
Unit 3 Lesson 3 Two friends Raghib and Adeeb
Unit 4 Lesson 5[a] the village somal
Unit 5 Lesson 6 Jerry
Unit 6 Lesson 1 the environment
Unit 6 Lesson 3 In recent years, there have been many alarming reports
Unit 6 Lesson 4 Humans animals and plants are all important elements
Unit 7 Lesson 5 How safe will the buildings in the city of Dhaka
Unit 9 Lesson 1 education is
Unit 9 Lesson 3 Bangladesh is
Unit 10 Lesson 4 entertainment through the ages
Unit 11 Lesson A society’s culture is made up all of its ideas
Unit 11 Lesson 7[B]~~~The British have reputation
Unit 13 Lesson 3 In Bangladesh, the retirement age
Unit 13 Lesson 3[d] Aysha begum….
Unit 14 Lesson 3 One very conspicuous change in our society
Unit 15 Lesson 2 education is one of the
Unit 17 Lesson 6 Electronic mail
Unit 20 Lesson 3 Ismail Hossain…
Unit 21 Lesson 1 globalization has
Unit 21 Lesson 2 Capitalism developed tin the European countries
Unit 21 Lesson 4 Sports are a popular form of entertainment
Unit 21 Lesson 5 although globalization
Unit 21 Lesson 6 The process of globalization obviously requires
Unit 22 Lesson 2
Scientists have
Unit 23 Lesson 1 the last century
Unit 23 Lesson 3[b] feeding the
Unit 23 Lesson 2 the most significant event for Bangladesh
Unit 24 Lesson 4 Gender discrimination in Bangladesh begins at birth
Q.No-13. Paragraph
(1) Bangladesh
(2) Globalization
(3) Important of learning English
(4) Tree plantation
(5) Facebook
(6) Gender discrimination
(7) earthquake
English 2nd
Reporting writing:
(a) Write a report on the prize giving ceremony of your collage
(b) Write a report a book fair / Pahela
(c) Write a report A road accident you have witnessed
Paragraph writing
(a) Important of learning English
(b) Tree Plantation
(c) Deforestation
(d) Gender discrimination
(e) Traffic Jam
(g) World cup
(g) A book fair
(a) Student life and social service
(b) Deforestation
(c) Natural calamities of Bangladesh
(d) Wonder of Modern Science
(e) Newspaper
(f) The day you remember most
(a) Write an Email to your friend congratulating for his brilliant success
(b) Write an Email Picnic
(c) Write an Email about of newspaper
(d) Write an Email for sending gift
(a) Write an application on set up anything
(b) Write an application T.c
(c) Job Application
Md. Najmul Hassan Sir
B.B.A Honours Final Year
Mob: 01721-620071