Population Problem in Bangladesh


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Population Problem in Bangladesh

Bangladesh became independent only a few years ago. It is a small country as well as a developing country. It faced with many problems.

Population is an unbearable burden for Bangladesh. It is the main problem of Bangladesh. It is a small country of 1,47,570 square kilometres. But About 150 million people live in this small land.The density of population is about 876 per square kilometre. It is one of the biggest figures in the world. Moreover about two million new babies are born every year.

Many of the problems of the country are due to over population. At present the growth rate of population is about 3% every year.

The population of a country is an asset.But it becomes a problem when the country cannot afford to provide its people with the basic necessaries of life.

Additional people need additional things like food, clothes, houses, hospitals, education, work etc. But for a poor country like Bangladesh it is impossible to meet all the demands of the people.

As a result over-population creates a lot of critical problems involving communication, education, employment, housing, health, medical treatment, environment etc. All these problems eventually lead to a general problem named poverty.

The causes of high birth rate in Bangladesh are illiteracy, Social and religious superstitions.

Most of the people of our country are illiterate. They do not know about the problems of over population. Because of being illiterate, they are not aware of family planning.

Most of the people belief Social and religious superstitions.They do not know about the problems of over population. And they do not follow family planning.

Social prejudice cover
the population becomes over
Again lack of women education, Early marriage, Polygamy are also the causes of high birth rate in Bangladesh.
Many women are not educated . They do not know about the problems of over population. So they do not follow family planning.

Most of the illiterate and poor people marry their female children early.They do not know about the problems of Early marriage and over population.

Again some naughty but illiterate people get two or three even four marriages.They do not know about the problems of Polygamy and over population.

Early marriage, illiteracy and Polygamy
become our population crowdy

But climatic influence, Low standard of living, Lack of recreational facilities, Lack of willingness to adopt birth control measures, Tendency of having male child are the supporting causes of high birth rate in Bangladesh.

Most of the illiterate people hope male child and and giving birth to female child one after another.

The bad effects of large population in Bangladesh are Income per head decreases,Land per head decreases, People remain unemployed,Land becomes fragmented,Rate of saving declines,Housing problem becomes acute,Prices of things go up,Balance of trade becomes unfavorable,Social values are degraded, terrorism created, crime rising, creates environment pollution, traffic jam, corruption , malice , low quality of education, over crown in cities, scarcity of food, malnutrition , insufficient medical facilities ,

The measures to control population may be the control of population is the crying need of the day. The following measures can be taken to control the population,To educate the masses to educate women folk,To adopt family planning small families,To award parents having only two children,To impose penalty on parents having more than two children,To make wide publicity through mass media,To attain self-sufficiency in food grains

There is no balance between food production and the growth rate of population. The price of things is rising high by leaps and bounds.
Over population creates much pressure on all sectors of economy.

We should come forward to solve this problem. Early marriage should be abolished.

Each family should not have more than two children.
No more than two children
One is better then

To stop Son hope, the govt should give the importance of the daughter child’s growth

We must remove illiteracy from society. Programmes must be taken to create awareness among the mass people about the adverse impacts of over population.

They make their own songs, dramas and slogans against this social curse. One of their slogans is: “Stop Child Marriage for a Better Life.” – See more at: http://blog.compassion.com/child-marriage-bangladesh/#sthash.nUt4D92k.dpuf

They make their own songs, dramas and slogans against this social curse. One of their slogans is: “Stop Child Marriage for a Better Life.” – See more at: http://blog.compassion.com/child-marriage-bangladesh/#sthash.nUt4D92k.dpuf

By publicity slogans “Stop Child Marriage for a Better Life.””

The campaign Slogan ”                                        My life My decision
Stop early marriage stop population explosion

Our people must be educated. If they are educated, they will surely try to keep their families planned. Mass media like radio, television and newspaper can play a vital role in this regard.

ours is a developing country. We cannot expect to reach our desired goals without solving the population problem. The government alone cannot solve this problem. Educated and conscious people of the society must play an important role to face this problem.The sooner we can solve the problem, the better the better not only for us but also for our future generations.

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