MODEL QUESTION Class Nine English –Paper Two


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Class Nine
English –Paper Two
Total Marks-100 Time :3Hours
[Answer all the questions. Figure in the margin indicate full marks] PartA:Grammar
1.Fill in the blanks with the words from the box . You may need to change the forms of some of the words.You may need to use one word more than once. 0.5X10=5
in an To On That
to That To around to
Climate change in Bangladesh is (a)—- extremely crucial issue. Bangladesh is the nation most vulnerable to global climate change (b)— the world, according (c)— German Watch’s Global Climate Risk Index (CRI) of 2011. This is based (d)—the analysis of impacts of major climate events (e)—-occurred around the world in the twenty-year period since 1990. It is projected (f)— by 2020, from 500 (g)— 750 million people will be affected by water stress caused by climate change (h)—-the world. In order (i)— maximize any future contributions from this sector, the public sector needs (j)………..overcome….it.
An In To On That
That To around to to
2.Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 0.5X10=5
Bangladesh has skilled (a)—— power failure for 10 hours on account (b)—- sudden breakdowns of 400-kilovolt India-Bangladesh Grid Transmission Line (c)—– 1 November’2014.The national grid line collapsed at Bheramara point (d)—– 11:30am .The power import from India dropped from 450MW (e)—- zero MW. The authorities forced (f)—– stop power generation at all power stations across the country. PGCB was trying (g)—— restore power supply. Garment manufacturers have lost of Tk 650 crore due (h)—– the blackout.On the other hand, patients in different hospitals, especially at small (i)—— medium clinics, suffered a lot for the same reason of power disaster.
JSC candidates across the country also suffered a lot while preparing themselves for exams. Bangladesh faced the same disaster in 2007, 2003 (j)—- 1998.
A, of, on, at, to, to, to, to, and, and
3.Make five sentences using of sentences from each column of the table below. 1X5=5
(i) Ebola be
believe a severe and often fatal disease
(ii) This disease first recognized in 1976 near the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa.
(iii) People be exposed to the Ebola virus from direct contact with the blood and/or secretions of an infected person
(iv) Researchers that the virus is animal-borne
(vi)It difficult to diagnose this virus

(i) Ebola is a severe and often fatal disease
(ii) This disease was first recognized in 1976 near the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Africa.
(iii) People can be exposed to the Ebola virus from direct contact with the blood and/or secretions of an infected person
(iv) Researchers believe that the virus is animal-borne
(vi)It is difficult to diagnose this virus

4 Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box 0.5X10=5
Be support aim decentralize come
Start be deliver obtain provide

a2i is abbreviated from Access to Information which (a)—- a program. The program is an UNDP and USAID (b)– project (program) having its office at the Prime Ministers’ Office. The overall objective of the project is to (c)— support in building a digital nation through (d)– services at the citizen’s doorsteps. The program (e)——–to improve quality, widen access, and (f)—– delivery of public services to ensure responsiveness and transparency. The UNDP-supported Access to Information (a2i) Program (g)—- in 2007. The objective of the project (h)—to increase transparency, improve governance, and reduce the time, difficulty and costs of (i)— government services for under-served communities of Bangladesh. The project’s slogan “Citizens need not go to services because services (j)—-to them”
a) is b) supported c) provide d) delivering e) aims f) decentralize g) started h) is (i) obtaining j) will come
5.Change the narrative style of the following text. 5
Father said to his son, ‘Why are you making late? Go to school now. ‘No, I am not going to school today. I feel dizzy’, said his son.
Father asked his son why he was making late and told him to go to school then. His son replied in the negative and told that he was not going to school that day His son added that he felt pity.
6.Change the sentences according to directions. 1X10=10
(a)Truthfulness is the greatest of all virtues in a man’s life. (positive)
(b)It means the quality of speaking the truth.(negative)
(c)The true happiness and prosperity of man entirely depends on it. (interrogative)
(d)A truthful man never tells a lie.(affirmative)
(e) It leads a man to achieve success and happiness. (complex)
(f)As it makes one’s character great ,it gives one a high position in society. (compound)
(g)It may not make one rich but it brings him peace of mind. (complex)।
(h)A truthful person is loved and respected by all. (Active)
(i)The person who is truthful cares nobody. (Simple)
(j) All religions teach us to be truthful. (passive)
(a)No other virtue in a man’s life is as great as truthfulness.
(b)It doesn’t mean the quality of telling a lie.
(c)Doesn’t the true happiness and prosperity of man entirely depend on it?
(d)A truthful man always speaks the truth.
(e) It leads a man so that he can achieve success and happiness.
(f)It makes one’s character great and gives one a high position in society.
(g)Though it may not make one rich , it brings him peace of mind.
(h) All loves and respects a truthful person.
(i)The /a truthful person cares nobody. (Simple)
(j)We are taught to be truthful by all religions
7.Complete the sentences 1X5=5 a)———————-,he does not live well b) Those who are prudent ——————– c)A chicken hearted man like you can never do ——– d) ——————-,God is forgotten e) Put on woolen clothes lest ——- —–
(a) If a man is not prudent (b)take any decision (c)such things (d)Once danger is gone (e)you should get cold
8.Complete the text adding suffixes , prefixes or both with the root words given in the parenthesisi 05X10=5
To become sure of doing well in the examination, you have to be attentive to studies. Regular practice can (a)sure your better (b)perform. But if you are (c)attentive and (d) regular you cannot expect to do so. Remember that (e)regularity will result in (f)satisfactory performance. Our students know this. But still many of them fail to show better (g) perform because they are (h) neglect of their duties we must believe that willful (i)negligent is a crime. So all the students should study (j)attentive

Ans; (a) ensure (b) performance (c)inattentive (d) irregular (e) irregularity (f) unsatisfactory (g) performance (h) neglectful (i) negligence (j)attentively
9.Make tag questions of these statements 1X5=5 a) It is natural that every student wants to do well in the exam ,…………..?” b)But what we can say easily is really not so easy ,…………….?” c)To do well in the exam , a student should follow some instructions……………..? d)He should read the texts again and again,……………….?” e)He must not memorize the answers without knowing the meaning ,……………?
(a)don’t they ? (b)is it? (c)shouldn’t he? (d) shouldn’t he? (e)must he?
10.Complete the passage using suitable connectors 1X5=5
last of all so While Rather Besides
first of all Such as
English is the most widely used international language, (a)—communication with the foreigners, we cannot but use this language. There are certain jobs in the country(b)—–job of a pilot, a post man, a telephone operator etc where English is very essential.(c)—student wishing to go abroad must learn English.(d)—-the importance of learning English in our country cannot be ignored .(e)—we should put high importance of learning.
the teacher said to the boy why do you make a noise in the class you are not attentive to your lessons sorry sir said the boy i was asking for a pen to my friend be attentive and listen to what i say

13. You are the students of Pabna Zilla School. Debating club Your school has no canteen. For this you have to go outside for tiffin.
Now write an application to the Headmaster praying for opening a canteen in the school campus. 10
14.Write a paragraph in 250 words on “Digital Bangladesh” 10
15. “Besides study, students have many duties for the society.” Do you agree ? Put argument in favour of writing. 12

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