In this post I will cover Grammenphone(GP), Banglalink, Robi, Airtel, Teletalk prepaid, postpaid mobile balance check. There are six mobile operator in Bangladesh. Mobile balance check service completely free. We have to know any operator mobile balance through USSD system or SMS. Let’s start..
How to check Grammenphone Balance
To check Grammenphone(gp) prepaid mobile balance Dial: *566#
Grammenphone(GP) postpaid balance check
To check Grammenphone(gp) postpaid mobile balance Dial: *567#
Banglalink Balance Check
To check Banglalink prepaid mobile balance Dial: *124#
Banglalink Postpaid Balance Check
To check Banglalink postpaid mobile balance Dial: *5000*500#
How to check Robi Balance
To check Robi prepaid mobile balance Dial: *222#
Robi Postpaid Balance Check
To check Robi postpaid mobile balance Dial: *140*4# or Type bil or bal & send SMS to 8778
How to check Airtel Balance
To check Airtel prepaid mobile balance Dial: *778#
Airtel Balance Check bd
To check Airtel postpaid mobile balance Dial: *121*70#
How to check Teletalk Balance
To check Teletalk prepaid mobile balance Dial: *152#
To check Teletalk postpaid mobile balance Dial: *152#
How to check citycell Balance
To check Citycell prepaid mobile balance Dial: *8111# or Type usage & send SMS to 811
To check citycell postpaid mobile balance Dial: *120 to listen or Type BILL & send to 7678