SSC English 2nd Paper suggestion-2016

SSC English 2nd Paper suggestion-2016

Suggestion for S.S.C
CV with Cover letter

1. For a Computer Operator 2. For a Personal Assistant
3. For a Teacher in English 4. For an Assistant marketing Manager
5. For an Office Executive 6. For the position of a Journalist
7. For the position of receptionist 8. For the post of an Auditor
9. For the Post of a clerk 10. For the position of a tutor

Formal letter

***Testimonial 2.*** Sinking a deep tube well
***Setting up a debating club. 4.***Setting up a canteen
***Common room facilities 6. ***Seat in the School hoste
7***Relief goods and Medical Sides. 8. ***Study Tour/Excursion
9.***Application for TC 10. **Morning School
11. **For repairing the direction a bridge. 12. **For Full free studentship


1. ***Traffic Jam 2. ***National Flag
3. **A good teacher 4. **Rickshaw puller
5. **Mobile Phone 6. **Deforestation
7. ***A Rainy Day 8. ***Road Accident
9. ***A Street hawker/beggar 10. **Early Rising
11. ***School Magazine 12. ***A Farmer/ A day laborer
13. **A Railway Station/A Bus Stand 14. *Village Doctor
15. **A moon lit night 16.** A winter morning

# Composition writing

***The Season You Like Most
***Importance of Reading Newspaper
***Physical Exercise
***Population Problem in Bangladesh
***Student Life
***Modern Science
***Your Aim in Life
**A Village Fair/ Market
***Value of time
**Your Childhood Memories
*The Journey you have recently enjoye
*** The game you like most

About MASUD(SATKHIRA) 30 Articles
আমি একজন ইংরেজি শিক্ষক এবং মাধ্যমিক ও উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা বোর্ড ঢাকা ও যশোর ের অনলাইন হেল্প লাইনে শিক্ষকদের সেবা দেয়ার চেষ্টা করছি।01720589535

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