S.S.C. Model Test 2016 (3 English


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S.S.C. Model Test 2016 (3)
Subject: English First and Second Paper

Time: 40 Minutes Marks: 40

Read the text and answer the following questions.

Newspaper is the store house of knowledge. It is not only the people’s parliament but also an integral part of modern civilization. It is just like the mirror of the world and it plays a vital role to from public opinion. We must have the habit of reading the newspaper daily. It helps us in acquiring general knowledge which is essential for our education. Nobody can keep contact with the outside world without reading the newspaper. Mere bookish knowledge is not sufficient in the struggle of life. A man who does not read the newspaper regularly is like a frog in a narrow well. Being ignorant of current topics, he cannot take part in the talks and discussions in an enlightened society and it seems like a fish out of water in it. The newspaper is a dainty in a dish of varieties, such as the news of current affairs, trade and commerce, films, games and sports etc. Moreover, the views of scholars on different subjects are discussed. All these have some educative values as it is a blessing of modern civilization.

But one should bear in mind that sometimes newspapers bear comments of diverse nature and interests by the reporters and critics from various angels. We should not be blindly influenced by these comments but should keep on open mind to the facts and problems.

But one should bear in mind that sometimes newspapers bear comments of diverse nature and interests by the reporters and critics from various angels. We should not be blindly influenced by these comments but should keep on open mind to the facts and problems.

Answer the following questions. 2×5=10

a. Why is a man who does not read newspaper called the frog of a narrow well?

b. What is the importance of general knowledge in our day-today life?

c. What does newspaper often contain?

d. How can newspaper influence us in a wrong way?

e. Why is newspaper called ‘the people’s parliament’?

2. Write a summary of the passage in no more than 90 to 100 words. 10

3. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. 0.5×10=05
repent the in divide to
make fact of a sure

Man is the (a) —— of his own fate. If he makes (b) —— proper (c) —— of his time and does his duties accordingly, he will (d) —— improve and progress (e) —— life, but if he does otherwise, he is sure (f) —— suffer when it is too late. To waste time is as bad as to commit suicide. In (g) ——, our life is nothing but the sum total (h) —— hours, days and years. If we waste (i) —— morning hours of life, we shall have to (j) —— afterwards.

4. Complete the following with right form of verbs given in the box. 0.5×10=05

trust tell cultivate come make
expose be trust achieve gain

Truthfulness (a) —— one of the greatest virtues which (b) —— a man really great. A man is (c) —— by others if he (d) —— the habit of speaking the truth. A man who (e) —— by anybody can (f) —— any position. A man (g) —— his ends once or twice by (h) —— lies, but no permanent gain (i) —— out of such success. It must come to light sooner or later. Then the real character of the liar gets (j) —— and nobody trusts him anymore.

5. Complete the passage using suitable connectors. 1×5=05

Trees are our best friends. (a) —— their need is not properly valued by rural people (b) —— play a negative role in the degradation of the environment (c) —— to deforestation. They can (d) —— bring about green revolution by planting trees. (e) —— their awareness is a must.

6. Use capital and punctuation marks where necessary. 05

what kind of stories did aesop tell asked anwar fables replied mrs amin do you know what fables are no replied anwar well continued mrs amin fables are stories with a message or a moral

Answer Sheet:

a. maker b. a c. division d. surely e. in f. to g. fact h. of i. the j. repent
a. is b. makes c. trusted d. cultivates e. in not trusted f. not achieve g. may gain h. telling i. comes j. exposed
a. but b. who c. due d. also e. for this/that’s why/so.

6. “What kind of stories did Aesop tell?” asked Anwar. “Fables,” replied Mrs. Amin. “Do you know what fables are?” “No,” replied Anwar. “Well”, continued Mrs. Amin. “Fables are stories with a message or a moral.”

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